So, the last 2 days Cole has decided he wants to tee tee in the potty! He is turning into such a big boy so fast. His little life is flashing before my eyes! It's funny b/c he's really just doing this to get treats, but you have to start somewhere! I think he is totally ready to be potty trained but Brent and I just aren't ready to put forth the effort. We go to Midland for a visit next weekend and we certainly don't want to be traveling and dealing with a kid who is potty training. I think after we get back we'll take a full weekend and let him just run around naked to help teach him. I think he might have a hard time going to the bathroom with nothing on unless he actually goes in the potty. I've never done this before so I don't really know what works so it will just be trial and error. I am very excited though that he is showing interest and that we won't have that kid that still won't get out of diapers by 3 1/2 years old. On another cute note, Cole has been very big into kissing this week. He even kisses the furniture and today he started stopping in his tracks, sits down and kisses his own knee. What a silly! He has also been calling everyone Miss and Mister. Oma came to babysit last night for our VERY first night out since Chloe was born and he called her Miss Oma. Yesterday he wanted me to call Mr. Mark (Brent's brother) and he has been talking about getting to see Miss Bobo (his name for my sister Bonnie) next weekend. I think this is because he has spent a lot of time at our church lately so he calls his teachers Miss and Mister. He is just getting so smart!
Anyway, one thing that I want to leave you all with is something I read about in another blog this morning. I thought it was one of the neatest and most true things I have thought about in a while and it's about asking God for more. Sometimes I feel like I only go to God to ask him for little things. This is my take on what I read... God wants to bless us. He wants us to come to Him all the time, not just on Sundays or before bed or when we need help. But He's a gentleman, so He waits. But most of us don't come. So really we're shortchanging ourselves. We ask for little things, like to help us get through the day without frustrations or for patience; and we don't understand that God's just waiting for us to ask for more. It's like when Jesus fed the five thousand. He didn't bless the bread and fish and then pass out communion-sized portions. You know, the itty bitty cracker and 1/4 of a shot glass worth of grape juice. He provided so much that there were baskets and baskets left. Anyway, just wanted to share that with you.
August 2024 1st Day of School
4 weeks ago
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