Thursday, February 18, 2010


Okay so I'm so bad about adding pictures to this thing. I have to upload from my camera and that is just one more thing to have to do while tending to my kiddos. I promise to come back in and add pictures! Anyway, we went today to Chloe's helmet adjustment appointment and found out that after Chloe goes back for her scan in 2 weeks (March 5) she will more than likely only wear the helmet at night from that point and will only have to do that for 3 more weeks! Yippeeeeee! This journey has gone by so fast! Don't get me wrong... I am so ready to be done with that helmet so that I can love on my little girl and kiss her sweet head anytime I want! She continues to be so stinking sweet and super easy other than for naps! She likes to give me a hard time when it comes to that.
Cole is good after having a rough few days. He has yet AGAIN, another double ear infection. He then had a bad reaction to the antibiotics and vomited all day yesterday. Poor guy! I feel like I poisoned him and just feel awful that he was so sick. He is now on a new antibiotic and getting back to his old self.

Not much else is going on around here. I leave for NYC next Friday and couldn't be more excited. I have such a great hubby for letting me go on a girl's trip all the way to New York while he tends to our kids. Life is good.....

Thursday, February 4, 2010

6 week scan

Chloe had her first scan since she has been wearing the helmet this morning. Her results were great! Her head has grown 10mm since her first scan and her measurements have gotten so much better. It's amazing to see the difference between the two scans and to see the comparison of how much her head has closed up since last time. Babies grow so much between 6 and 9 months! We go back for another scan in 4 weeks and we hope to see another big improvement. If so, this could be pretty much it for the ole helmet days! Chloe doesn't mind her helmet at all, but I'm ready to be able to cuddle with my baby and kiss her little head instead of having a big helmet in my way. Cole went with us to the scan and told the doctor, as he has told me the last few days that he is a baby and he wants a paci and a diaper. I once again told him that he is not a baby and he said, "Yes, I am Momma's baby, not baby sister!" Someone must be jealous! What are we going to do with that kid!