Monday, August 3, 2009


My children are 'crazies' today! Ahhhh! So the day started off great... we got up and rushed around to get out the door by 8 so that we could get to our church, get the kids each dropped off in their rooms so I could head to my room to teach VBS. All went well! I have eleven 4 year olds which was refreshing from my everyday life, but also a glimpse into the future. Yikes! I had one little girl who said, " Ummm, my name tag is not right... I am 4 and A HALF years old, not 4." She also told us that she had better stories than the stories we were telling the kids and all she wanted to do was tell us about her wonderful dreams she had the night before. Oh my! Then I had 4 little boys who wrestled and rough housed the entire time, one of which told me that he would punch me in the face. Nice! Anyway, it was nice to know I was helping little kids learn more about God and Cole was able to go play in the nursery for a few hours. Anyway, noon rolled around and we headed home for the day. Cole decided not to eat lunch and that he would only take an hour nap which may be the reason that our day ended the way it did. Chloe took a 3 hour nap like an angel. One funny thing that happened once Cole got up was that he all of a sudden jumped to his feet and remembered where he had hidden 3 of his toy cars. It was too funny to watch how his little brain works. It's amazing the things he remembers. Some things I wish he would forget! Anyway, once Brent got home the fun began. I needed to take a trip to the grocery store so we figured that we would all go make a quick run. After all... we only needed a few things. No! Nightmare! We pulled into our parking spot and Cole immediately started freaking out b/c he didn't want to ride in the cart. So we listened to him scream all the way in until he got his balloon at the door. He took a 5 second break from screaming and then screamed some more. I'm pretty sure we pulled over in a few isles to threaten him which in turn, made him scream louder. Ugh! So, this continued the entire time. We finally arrived at the checkout lanes which looked as if we were in line for a ride at Six Flags... miles long! I mean! Was everyone in Pearland out of milk today???!! After we got lots of dirty looks and a few dozen rolled eyes by the oh so friendly people at HEB due to the fact that our 2 year old was throwing fits left and right... we were on our way home. Now it was time for both kids gang up on us. They both screamed the entire way home. Brent was either shoving Chloe's paci in her mouth or holding his hand over Cole's to get them to quit screaming. We almost went insane! We finally arrived home to a very quiet evening of our 8 week old screaming her colicky little head off. Cole actually ate dinner for once in the last week which was nice and I JUST got Chloe to quit fighting her sleep. My kids are little 'crazies'!!!! But, it was when I laid in bed next to Cole while putting him to sleep, saying his prayers and singing him his songs that I remembered how blessed I am. He made me sing 3 songs and then said, " I love you, Momma." God is good! Thank you, Lord for giving me kids that scream and cry and give me all sorts of heck all day. Without them I would not have a family. I am so grateful. And that was my day in a nutshell...

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