Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Way behind...

Wow! I am so behind! I haven't posted since August. How terrible of me! Since my last post we have moved from Pearland to Midland. Brent works for Concho Resources and loves his job. We lived with my parents for 3 months while house hunting, finding a house and totally redoing it. While we waited, Brent worked and I just got settled and helped our kids get used to our new life. Cole is now just shy of 4 years old! I can't believe my baby is almost 4! He is ending his terrible 3's and although he still has his moments, I can see him nearing the 4 marker. He is so smart and we just enjoy this time with him so much. He amazes me, cracks me up and he remains my sweet little Momma's boy. He is in PreK 3 at Hillander School where he has adjusted so well. His teacher is the sweetest lady, Mrs. Worley. He loves his new classmates and has adjusted so well to our move. His Christmas program was yesterday and we have enjoyed hearing him sing Christmas songs over the past few weeks. Cole is really looking forward to Christmas this year and is going to have one heck of a Christmas!

Chloe is now 18 months old. She has changed the most since our move. She is so big and has turned into such a little girl. No longer baby! She is 30 pounds and looks every big as that sounds! When we first moved here, Chloe had another seizure which landed us in the hospital for 2 days. She has since got to a specialist in Lubbock and we have it all under control with medicine. She gave us quite a scare but she is doing so well. She is in the younger toddler class at First United Methodist Children's Day Out. Her teachers are precious and take such good care of her. She is in school Tues/Thurs from 8:30-3pm. She is talking up a storm but her favorite word is Bubba aka... Cole and he is by far her favorite person. She adores big brother. Although he is mean to her 50% of the time, he is also quite sweet too. They play together all of the time which has been so fun to watch. We are so blessed!

Other than our move, we have just been getting settled and ready for Christmas. We made a great decision moving to Midland and look forward to many years here watching our kiddos grow. I promise to be better about posting!!! Until then...

1 comment:

  1. LOVE seeing this update! Feel so out of the loop with you :( I am calling you SOON. Love your precious family. Chloe is gorgeous!!!!! xoxo
